Verse of the day:

Monday, December 8, 2008

Tagged!! :)

Hello folks! Well, we have been tagged by the Morton clan. The requirements: to post 7 interesting facts about our family.

So here goes:

1) Everyday speech around the Hagen house includes alliterations, TLA’s (three-letter-acronyms), and rhymes. We are always immensely amused at ourselves, often laughing so hard that we start choking. T.J., the only serious person in our family, tries to hide the fact that he is amused by pulling at his mustache so as to hide his mouth. Unfortunately, this only makes us all laugh harder. –BTW using TLA’s is a hereditary condition passed down from my grandfather, so we do have some excuse for our sometimes undignified hilarity. LOL.

2) Mumsie’s family, that is, the Beville family, can trace their family line all the way back to the time of William the conqueror, approx. 1066 A.D. The Beville family came to Virginia in the early 1670’s and settled near Jamestown. Their descendents still own the original land granted to them at that time. Essex, Virginia is named after Essex Beville.

3) Our family is descended on Daddy’s side from the Norwegian Vikings, hence the preposterous height and size of almost every male member of our family. To state it more plainly: don’t mess with us!! :)

4) We REALLY do say ‘Woohoo’ everyday before family worship.
For those of ya’ll that have never been to church at our house this statement would obviously leave you in the dark. I will enlighten you.

Every morning Daddy says:
“This is the day that the LORD has made”
and the proper response is:
“Let us rejoice and be glad in it, WOOHOO!! (really, really, REALLY loud)

5) We love chocolate!! (Woohoo!)

6) As a family we have traveled to several states like Oregon, Nevada, Texas, and Arizona. We had a lot of fun traveling together. And trust me, there is nothing like tent camping in the snow with your family in the middle of nowhere. Nothing.

7) We are probably the only people who ever answered the phone to hear: “Oh, ya’ll weren’t supposed to be home!"

For those of ya’ll who has never heard (or heard of) one of our answering machine messages, I’ll have to explain. Usually, Daddy will take a song and, keeping the tune, change all the words to fit our family, and then records it on the phone. Complete strangers have called us because somebody we know told them about it!!
Here’s an old one:
Properly sung in a very low, bluesy voice.

The phone, the phone,
can’t come to the phone.
Can’t take your call ‘cause there’s nobody home.
There’s nobody here to talk to you now,
so leave us a message, make it silly somehow!
Just leave us your message when you hear the beep,
we’ll call you right back, and that’s a promise we’ll keep.
The phone, the phone,
can’t come to the phone.
Can’t take your callallallalll…’cause theirs nobody hooooooommmee

Well that’s all for now folks. Sorry Adeline, I couldn’t come up with 7 other people to tag. But here’s a few.

Campana family

Frost family

Parish family

Slaughter family

And anyone else who wants to join in the fun!! :)

Rules are as follows:

1) Link the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2) List 7 interesting facts about you/your family.
3) Tag 7 other people and include links to their blogs.
4) Let each person know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Ya’ll come back now.
God bless,

1 comment:

SmithFamily said...

hey Angela!!! Love your post! Don't ya love camping?!!! We went to CO one time when there was nonone else. We had another Family with us though, it was real fun!
Love ya, Bethany